Internship Placement for 60 Years
Student to Faculty Ratio
Of Grads are Employed or in Grad School Within 6 Months of Graduation
Explore this Program
We’re big advocates of learning-by-doing. Our curriculum includes several pre-professional activities that give you multiple ways to get involved – on campus and off campus – to prepare you for careers and graduate study. Academic credit can also be earned by participating in any of the following:
- Intercollegiate Debate
- Community Outreach
- MOrE – Masquers Outreach Ensemble
- Petit Jean Performance Festival
- Fat Tuesday Debutantes Improvisational Comedy Group
- University Theatre
- Impromptu Speaking and Interview Skills
- Individual research
At Capital, we recognize the “portability” of a communication degree. No matter what career path you take, in our program your coursework, projects, and learning experiences will give you the skills you need to be a valued team member, a leader, and a marketable professional throughout your career. And unlike larger programs, Capital assigns each student to an academic advisor who is also a faculty member in your area of study. This advisor will be your mentor and resource for the full duration of your study at Capital.
Our faculty employ high impact teaching techniques and a curriculum that is continuously evolving to reflect the trends and technology that impact the communication profession. Our students work closely with our Career Center staff through participation in the professional development seminar and other job-seeking activities like resume writing and internship networking. Students are encouraged to take part in internships over the course of their college career. Our recent undergraduates have interned with: NBC4-TV, Mills James Productions, Eddie Bauer, Ohio Health, The State of Ohio, the Ohio Office of Tourism, and many more. Our graduates have found positions at Nationwide, The Kroger Companies, Walt Disney, Fahlgren-Mortine Public Relations, ESPN, Chase Manhattan Bank, AT&T, among others.
Sample Classes
- Interpersonal Communication
- Introduction to Film
- Communication and Culture
- Public Deliberation
- Advanced Public Speaking
- Strategic Influence in Human Communication
- Performance Studies
“Capital provided an intimate classroom experience. I loved that the professors knew me by name and that I wasn’t just another number. My professors became my mentors and they provided me with opportunities to expand my learning. Columbus offers more opportunities than I could have imagined! No thinking is too grand for Columbus.”
-Katherine McCabe, Communication, Class of 2015

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